What does it take to catch an eye? A deliberately misspelled title? A vaguely artistic layout with a handwriting font? A flashy, color-coordinated page?

What does it take to keep your eye? A cleverly written post about a world observation? Beautiful photography? A carefully controlled revealing of opinion, feelings, emotions and motivation?

What does it take to keep you coming back?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Step Forward

I'm not dead.

I know my last blog post was 3 weeks before Charel arrived in the US, and now its over a week after he's left. But I've been incredibly busy with, well, everything. And I guess most of you who would read this blog already know how things went.

I was originally tempted to make this a long, drawn out post about how things unfolded. But I'm slowly realizing that some things don't need to be broadcast for everyone. Instead, I'll just post this photo:

Cute, aren't we?

Charel's trip marked more than just someone visiting. We used it as a gauge, to get at least a preview of how we get along in "real life". And we do get along. Fantastically. Its almost scary how quickly, and how well, we connected.

So, what now? While waiting for him to come over, I tried not to think much about what was going to happen after he left. Maybe I was a bit scared to, I don't know. Or maybe I was trying to be cautious. Either way, the whole time, I was beginning to face the question; "What happens now?"

What happens now is this: We do everything we can to make it work. It will be tough for the next couple of years. A lot of waiting, a lot of tears, a lot of anticipation, and not nearly enough moments together. The ultimate goal is, and always has been, to end up in the same place, at the same time, for good. That's a goal that I really want to accomplish.

He will be returning for a visit on December 19th. I will visit him next summer, if I can save up enough money by then. We'll get through it the best that we can.