What does it take to catch an eye? A deliberately misspelled title? A vaguely artistic layout with a handwriting font? A flashy, color-coordinated page?

What does it take to keep your eye? A cleverly written post about a world observation? Beautiful photography? A carefully controlled revealing of opinion, feelings, emotions and motivation?

What does it take to keep you coming back?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

On the Verge of Change

It's the dead of winter, and of course I have neglected to update for several months.

My life hasn't changed much since August. I had my birthday, Halloween, Christmas, ordinary days in-between. However, I still have the same job, the same apartment, the same boyfriend, and the same problems. The change is coming, however, but painfully slowly.

I will be visiting Luxembourg in 9 days. This isn't my first trip across the Atlantic Ocean, but it is radically different from the previous one. I was 12 or so, with my family, and we went to England. It was incredibly fun, but of course, you get a much different sense of the world when you are 26 than you do when you are 12.

This trip, however, represents much more than just "getting out to see the world." I am going to see the world that a man very dear to me lives in. A world that is not completely different from mine.

A world that I will likely live in soon.

I will decide this trip whether or not I want to completely uproot myself from the only place I've really known, and dive into a place where I don't even speak the language. It is likely that I will.