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What does it take to keep you coming back?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Old Habits Die Hard

This post is way overdue.

Of course, you knew that. And I did warn you, dear reader, that my updates are sporadic.

Well, anyway, I really haven't found much need to update. I do have a few ideas bouncing around in this cluttered head of mine, but I'm slowly learning that all thoughts do not need to be proclaimed loudly and across the internet. Though my rants on working in a buffet could be quite humorous.

So that's one of my bad habits: not updating journals I start. Its happened many times. Deadjournal, Livejournal, 2 bloggers, and my scoliosis blog all fell into disuse. Though the scoliosis one is mainly because I have no news besides "Yes, I still hurt and no there's nothing I can do about it right now." I'm still living with it, managing it, and trying not to let it drag me under. But enough on that.

Anyway, my life has become a pretty predictable routine of gaming, working, and talking to my boyfriend on Skype. I've also managed to fit in a morning bike ride in there, which has been very good so far. I have approximately another month until my routine gets a big turn-around for 3 weeks. More on that in a following post. (That I've promised you already, but I like to keep things organized.)

I've lived on my own for years, but I am just now finally getting to the point where I can develop my own routine. I'm still not happy with where I am: house is still a mess from moving, my boyfriend lives across an ocean, and my business is still treading water. But when I look back on where I was before, I can't help but notice I've at least made it a bit further up the hill.

And hopefully, as when riding my bike through the back streets of Cedar Falls, when you work to climb a hill, there will be the other side that you can coast down. Even if there is another hill after it, you at least get a moment to rest.

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