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Monday, April 25, 2011

Nothing in Particular

It's raining on this fine spring night, which has the dual effect of making me sleepy, and wanting to cuddle up next to a special certain person. Well, I'll have to be patient on the 2nd part, but the first one I can certainly do something about soon.

I now have two computers again. My tablet (the background picture on this very blog!) has been out of commission for a couple years now. I managed to finally find the restore discs for it so I finally have it back and working. Thanks to my dad who helped me w/ the whole process. Drawing will be much easier now, once I get Illustrator installed on this thing again.

I decided to kick the caffeine habit again. Or at least try to. Its really not healthy for me to drink that much sugar daily. Today was the first day without it, and it sucked, of course. I wouldn't want to ever be on any drugs worse than this because I have so many problems kicking this one!

After a couple years of them coming in, my wisdom teeth are finally giving me problems. I put in a form for an appointment at a dentist's office that is doing free checkups for new patients. I haven't been to the dentist in quite some time, a fact that they will not be happy about. My right lower gums around the back of the tooth are so swollen I can barely eat anything. Its slowly getting better but I think that I should probably still go to the dentist. I just hope I can afford it...

I'm sure that there is more that I could type about but my brain is fuzzy and my eyes keep trying to close. So I will leave this entry now.

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