What does it take to catch an eye? A deliberately misspelled title? A vaguely artistic layout with a handwriting font? A flashy, color-coordinated page?

What does it take to keep your eye? A cleverly written post about a world observation? Beautiful photography? A carefully controlled revealing of opinion, feelings, emotions and motivation?

What does it take to keep you coming back?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Token First Post-My Introduction to you

It is way too easy to take yourself too seriously.

This is probably the most formal I will get with you. Rantings, ravings, stupid little observations, fangirl-isms, and probably more stuff that is terribly cliche but oh-so-true. All bound to happen. If I update at all. Maybe.

I pretend to know a whole lot more than I really do. I like to think I'm wise, but perhaps I am still that scared little girl, hiding behind someone's leg when strangers talk to me.

Who am I kidding? I never did that.

So, why did I make a blog now? The answer, really, is that I have too many thoughts rattling around in this head of mine, and sometimes I need to get them OUT. And since sometimes what I have to say is somewhat amusing (or at least I like to think so), I might as well let you read it, too.

This blog has no direction except for me putting it all out there. A reflection of how I at least try to live my life. So watch your step, duck often, and brush your teeth regularly. And stay off the grass for crissakes!

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